Eddie Brown Artsource Unit
Scientific Rhythm
The legendary Eddie Brown created, performed and taught tap dance for more than 65 years, achieving the highest level of excellence through perseverance, self-discipline and drive. He was featured with Rhapsody in Taps, a Los Angeles-based company under the artistic direction of Linda Sohl-Ellison. This unit gives some historic highlights of tap and features the philosophy of Eddie who applied what he learned as a tap dancer to life. An example of this is, “If you’re only going to do something halfway, you might as well not do it at all.” Also included is a 30-year retrospective of work by Rhapsody in Taps. Lessons include simple rhythmic patterns, an introduction to basic tap steps and ways to combine them, and prompts to challenge students to choreograph a 16-count phrase of their own. Enduring Values underscores this unit of study.
Video footage courtesy of Rhapsody in Taps. Audio courtesy of Paul Tracey.
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